Learn Website Creation and Web Design

Learn website design tips such as the best design ideas and ideal size for website LOGO as well as FAVICON. Best format and alt text for images.

Irfan Hayat Irfan Hayat

Ideal Logo Size for Website – Recommendations

Website logo should be in ideal size for optimum website performance and loading speed. Create logo for most popular screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 px. The width of ideal logo should be around 200 pixels and the height should be approximately 50 pixels.

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Irfan Hayat Irfan Hayat

Best Fonts for Website – Pro Tips

Ideally apply only one font for the entire website. However, avoid using more than three fonts on website for better site performance. Avoid decorative fonts for a business site. Avoid too thick or too thin font for better readability and accessibility.

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