Tips for Unique Logo Design and Mistakes to Avoid

Please remember that it is a bad idea of using too many fonts in a logo. You can design a unique logo by using only a single font style. Single font in a logo design enhances its readability. Watch demo video below.

For a consistent and legible logo design, use only one font for all letters in the logo. Logo font should be preferably bold and easily readable. Please do not use font with decorative glyphs and hand-written letter styles because fonts are difficult to read.

Watch Video Tutorial.

Unique Logo Design Tips

For example, single and readable font is used for Microsoft, Google logos. A readable logo design always enhances brand identity. Multiple colors and graphic icons can be added to create unique logo even with single font.

You can also apply some text transformations to give a uniqueness to your logo design. For example, the word ‘QUILTED’ in the logo of Quilted Northern brand is slightly curved - but having a single font of ‘Volte Rounded Bold’ in bold style.

Please remember that while creating uniqueness in logo, do not make the logo illegible.

For example, Clippers old logo had no clarity. The letter ‘C’ was given a completely separate look. Some could wrongfully read it as ‘lippers’ instead of Clippers. However, it was replaced in 2015 for a better and readable design. [RD]

Though the logo of Vredestein was looking nice and unique by merging ‘ EST’ letters but in my humble opinion, it was unnecessary to blend ‘V’ and ‘R’ letters. Frankly, I had difficulty reading the logo.

For designing a unique logo using a single font, you can also use some specially designed unique font. For example, Rihanna’s brand Fenty Beauty uses ‘Loud’ font in which the letter ‘N’ is horizontally flipped.

For another inspiration, the ‘R’ letter is flipped horizontally in the logo of ‘Toys R Us’. You can also look a version of vertically flipped, upside down logo of Doritos on their Twitter account.

You can also try flipping other letters. For example, if the wordmark of your logo comprises the uppercase ‘T’ letter, you can easily flip it using a single font and users can still easily read your logo. You can also try ‘E’ and ‘L’ letters in logo flipping horizontally. [RD] . However, I suggest avoid flipping all letters in the logo.

I tried to create a differently styled ‘D’ letter in Dozro logo but later discarded it and used only one font for better readability and more simplicity in logo design.

To make logo unique, you can also select some different colors for some of the letters in the wordmark logo. For inspiration, you can check logos of Subway and Wimdu.

There are hundreds of thousands fonts available and you can choose one for giving a unique look to your brand logo.

Creating unique and readable logo is also possible, by symmetrically designing letters. For example, the logo of GRIP video game looks amazingly same even if you see it upside down. It uses no special icon or symbol but still unique.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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