Unlocking Creativity: Logo Design Ideas, Tips, and Examples of Great Logos

A logo provides a unique visual identity to a brand. A logo may consist of graphic icon (favicon) and imaged text (logotype). Some website logos (such as Wix.com) consist of only text letters. Some websites (such as Verizon.com) display only a graphic icon as logo. Logos of most websites (such as YouTube, Microsoft) consist of both favicon and text.

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Here, get some inspiration for designing a great logo for your brand.

Unlocking Creativity: Logo Design Ideas, Tips, and Examples of Great Logos

You should primarily create logo for website and other online assets and use the same logo on merch and other physical products.

For merch logos, you can apply any color you like because it will be only you who will decide the background color of printing paper as well as color of shirt where you will apply the logo.

However, the dynamics of website logos are different. There are several factors which determine the successful display of your logo on your website. For example, your logo may not display as intended on an old-featured phone with poor internet connection. End user can set the browser to change the background color of webpages. For example, you have specified white as background color of your website, but the end user want to see your website in dark mode.

For example, Pringles logo is highly unprofessional. White and black colors are used in its icon which will hide or fade on both white and black background. I wonder how they print logo on white paper. Probably, this is the reason they use colored background for their logo on Twitter account.

Therefore, I suggest that you should not use dark or light colors in your website logo. For better visibility of logo on online assets (website, Facebook page etc), you should choose some medium colors for website logo so that it can generate a reasonable contrast from the surrounding content. For example, you can select red, bright gold or French blue color which looks fine on both light as well as dark background. For your inspiration, Canva uses a blue color (#8b3dff) for its logo and Toyota uses red color in its logo.

However, if you have designed logo on a transparent PNG shape, then you can use any color for the logo - for inspiration, please see Dozro logo.

Do Logo Text Require any Accessibility Requirement?


The text used in a logo is in fact an image of text. To meet accessibility standards, there must be a minimum contrast between imaged text and the surrounding text on a page.

However, such accessibility rules do not apply to the logo text because the text used in designing a brand logo is a type of essential and functional text.

So, the text that is part of a logo or brand name has no contrast requirement. [RD]

It means you can create logo in whatever color contrast you like. However, in my opinion, it is a wise idea to apply only those colors with better contrast. For better visibility, you should also use some bold font with better clarity of letters.

Modify Merch Logo for Website

Please do not create same size of logo for website as you do for printing materials and merch of your business. Size of website logo should be different from the logo you use on your branded physical products and business printed cards. Logo size for merchandise items (such as handbag, mug, shirt) should be in heavier pixels – around 1500 to 2000 pixels either width or height, depending on your logo orientation. On the other hand, I created website logo in only 210x58 px.

You should create separate versions of the preferably same logo – one low pixel logo for website and other high pixel logo for merch items.


Because a heavier merch logo on website will harm the load speed and performance of your website and a lighter website logo used on a shirt may become pixelated and blurred.

Additionally, for merch a square or vertical logo also works fine whereas for website a horizontal logo works great. A vertical logo on website may increase the height of header on website, pushing the important top content further below on the page.

Miscellaneous Tips for Designing a Logo

Here, I have listed some best practices and tips for designing logo for your brand.

Dozro Services: Check Price for Creation of Favicon, Brand Minimalist Logo, and Small Business Website.

  • When designing logo create multiple variations of logo to apply in different situations. For example, create website logo with low resolution pixels dimensions. You can read another Dozro article to know about the ideal size for website logo. You should create another variation for using logo as profile image on the YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts of your brand. You should create a separate copy of high resolution logo image to use on your physical products such as shirts as well as on printing materials.

  • Take time to decide an ideal font for your brand logo and then stick to it. Fonts provide great branding identity and you should not change logo fonts after every few months. Big corporations such as Ikea, Samsung and IBM use custom fonts for their branding.

  • Similarly, you should carefully choose colors while making the business brand logo. Note down the exact color codes used in the logo and stick to those colors for consistent branding.

  • Do not use fancy and decorative fonts for your website logo. Use some highly legible fonts with ideal readability. You can take inspiration from logos of Microsoft, Google, Toyota, Honda, GoDaddy, Wix, Squarespace on this aspect.

  • Website builders such as GoDaddy, Wix and Squarespace have their own free logo making tools. You can use some advanced design tool such as Adobe tools or Canva. You can even create a transparent logo in MS Word. There are also many free apps available in your phone to design a great logo.

  • If you want to use icon as part of logo, choose the icon carefully which reflect the perceived personality of your brand. For example, I selected light bulb as part of Dozro logo because light bulb lightens up the surroundings whereas Dozro imparts knowledge to lighten up the minds.

  • Do not create a too stylish or fancy logo. Try to design a simple, readable and elegant logo for your website and brand.

  • Always create a logo with transparent background so that it looks fine on any background whether on website, social media, or physical products. By the way, it is not necessary to create colored background for logo on Twitter or Facebook page profile. Transparent logos for twitter profile look better. For example, Domino's Pizza (URL: https://twitter.com/dominos) uses square and transparent logo on Twitter account.

  • Logo is the most important image on your website. Therefore, do not forget to enter alt text after uploading image to website. Alt text for logo image should be concise and relevant; for example, ‘Dozro logo’ or simply ‘Dozro’ is quite fine as alt text to the logo image of this website.

  • I suggest to slightly increase the letter spacing of your font while designing logo.

  • Do not use too many graphic elements in logo for creating clutter-free logo.

Resources for More Information

You may consult following internal and external resources to know more on this topic.

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Irfan Hayat

As the Founder and CEO of DOZRO and various other ventures, I bring a wealth of diverse life experiences to the forefront. At heart, I am a passionate tech enthusiast. Feel free to explore our range of Pro Services, such as website and graphics design, SEO, and video editing, with confidence.


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