Best Fonts for Website – Pro Tips

Every web designer wants their website to stand out from the rest. A careful selection of a font family plays a vital part in a unique and impressive website typography. Dozro have listed some golden tips regarding selection of fonts, for your best guidance.

  • If you are planning to select two fonts for your website, then then you may consider selecting one serif font for headings and the other sans serif font for paragraph text. [RD]

  • Try to pick a reasonably bold font for the headings to stand out. For example, Concert One, Laski Slab Stencil and Baloo Bhai for headings, pair well with thin fonts such as Roboto, IBM Plex Sans and Helvetica Neue for paragraphs.

  • People want quick answers to their queries, due to short of time. In haste, some users, only look for relevant headings on a page, to find quick solution to their query. Therefore, for web scanners (users), consider applying some prominent and distinguishable web fonts on headings text.

  • Mostly, browsers have to download fonts to display text on your webpage in the device of user. Therefore, two or three fonts on a website are enough for better load times of pages – and keeping the number to minimum is the ideal choice. [RD]

  • If you prefer using only one font for the entire text on website, you can consider using some bold weight options (600 or 700) for headings whereas some thin weight options (300 or 400) of the same font for paragraphs. You should set around 4rem as font size for heading 1 and around 3rem value for heading 2 – and so on. However, it may vary depending on your selected font.

  • Focus on readability factor while selecting web font. Avoid selection of any decorative font for a business website.

  • Do not select a font with too thin or too thick glyphs, especially for paragraph text. Ultra thin and unusually decorated fonts on webpage are not recommended by web standard protocols because these are harder to read especially for people with low vision. For example, Alfa Slab One and Bungee Inline are two examples of extra thick fonts. In my opinion, such thick fonts are fine for graphic design only, but I will not prefer such extra bold fonts for website or app. [RD]

  • Technology of variable web fonts is fast improving. You may consider selecting some variable fonts for your website.

  • You should explore Google Fonts which is a great and huge library of web fonts ad free to use.

  • During transferring text from a word processor – such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs - to your website, you should always use the option of pasting as plain text and reformatting the text again in your website editor. This is necessary to remove font formatting you previously applied to the text.

  • Strike a perfect balance between website design and performance, while choosing fonts. By following design aesthetics, you may be tempted to choose some fancy and decorative fonts or applying too many fonts. Similarly, if you are obsessed with website performance, it is possible that you may end up choosing some old-styled so-called web-safe fonts such as Arial or Verdana. I suggest you avoid both extremes and choose one or maximum two modern web fonts with elegant design of glyphs.

  • Your selected web fonts reflect the brand personality of your business. Therefore, do not run after the ‘most popular’ web fonts – rather consider picking some ‘less popular’ font, unique to your business. Please take into consideration the fact that many businesses focus branding through unique, custom and exclusive fonts; examples include Google Sans, SamsungOne and YouTube Sans.

  • Do not use emojis on your website or use sparingly. Emoticons can be confusing for person with disabilities as well as screen readers and pose accessibility issues [RD]. Additionally, to display emoji characters, browser must download some subset of emoji font if that emoji is unavailable in user device - hurting performance of your site. Emojis may not render as desired on all devices. Use only Unicode approved emoji if it is necessary.

Web fonts is a vast subject – covered in detail in ‘Fonts’ page on our Dozro website. In another article, you can also learn the why and how of choosing font for this Dozro website.

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  • Please visit homepage of Dozro website. 🔗 URL:

  • Get in-depth knowledge about Web Fonts and their importance for website performance.

  • Learn about Font Customizations in Squarespace website in a profound article by Dozro.

  • Explore list of all articles about Website designing including design guide for logo and favicon.

  • Please explore the Services offered by Dozro.


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How Many Web FONTS are Ideal for a WEBSITE? 🔗 URL:


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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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