What if You Don’t Use a Favicon for Website? Examples of using No Favicon

Are you looking for, “What if I Don’t Use a Favicon?”

There is no harm if you do not use a favicon on your website. However, using a favicon boosts your brand identity, and a visible favicon may also increase clicks to your site.

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What if You Don’t Use a Favicon for Website? Examples using no favicon.

Though favicon greatly improves the branding and visibility, however, I have noticed that some brands do not assign or upload a favicon for their website – such rare examples include the website of Coca Cola. I guess the web designer of Coca Cola forgot to upload the favicon or maybe other possibility is that Coca Cola have not yet considered to design a favicon for the company.

Update: Now Coca Cola website uses a favicon. In fact, they have also changed the domain name, since I made this video.

The website of Perazzi - an Italian shotgun manufacturer does not provide any favicon.

Famous credit card company Visa does not use a favicon for the website.

I believe that sometimes, website designers forget to upload a favicon. For example, the American website of Honda company does not have a favicon.

Whereas Honda Global website include a favicon.

The website of Berkshire Hathaway is also missing in favicon.

Website builders such as Squarespace provide a default favicon which you can replace with your own favicon. You should always prefer some symbol as favicon even if your logo does not include an icon.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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