Microsoft Edge New Tab Page Settings

You can easily customize what should be displayed on the page when you click a New Tab (+) in Edge browser.

Select Favorite Layout on New Tab of Microsoft Edge

Click on plus (+) button in Edge browser to open a new tab. Under toolbar, on the right side of window, click the gear icon.

Here you can select an option from predesigned layouts of Focused, Inspirational, Informational and Custom. I prefer to select Focused option here to avoid clutter of news stories and ads.

How to Display Sidebar with Quick Links of Microsoft Office Apps in Edge Browser?

Click on plus (+) button in Edge browser to open a new tab β†’ Under toolbar, on the right side of window, click the gear icon β†’ Click on Custom β†’ Office Sidebar.

Microsoft Edge New Tab Page Settings

Turn ON the toggle button next to Office sidebar and you notice the instant appearance of sidebar on the left, with popular Microsoft apps such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, To Do, OneNote, Calendar, or OneDrive.

Click on any Office app to access online in web browser. This sidebar will automatically disappear after you open a webpage in browser.

To hide the sidebar, click three dots on the bottom of bar or toggle OFF the option.

How to Hide or Show Recent Bing Searches on New Tab of Edge?

On each new tab on Edge browser, you see five entries of little text, right under the search bar.

These are entries for the search terms you recently performed in Bing search engine. Just click on any entry to quickly β€˜search’ again for the query, without typing your question again.

You can show or hide these search entries by following below navigation.

Click on plus (+) button in Edge browser to open a new tab β†’ Under toolbar, on the right side of window, click the gear icon β†’ Click on Custom β†’ Recent Bing searches.

You can turn ON or OFF the toggle button to show or hide the Bing search entries under search bar.

Customize Shortcuts (Quick Links) for Webpages in New Tab Page in Edge

By default, Edge displays shortcuts of your most visited webpages in one row, based on your browsing history.

Click on plus (+) button in Edge browser to open a new tab β†’ Under toolbar, on the right side of window, click the gear icon β†’ Click on Custom. Here you get three options to customize Quick Links in Edge browser.

  • OFF: Select this option if you don’t want to see Quick Links shortcuts on new tab page. I will suggest you should not keep it OFF as shortcuts are really helpful for quickly browsing your favorite websites.

  • 1 Row: Select this option if you want to see seven links and 8th plus (+) button on new tab page.

  • 2 Rows: Select this option to allow Edge to show 13 shortcut links on new tab page, based on your browsing history.

To add a quick link shortcut to Edge, open a new tab. Here you will see β€˜+’ button as the last shortcut under Microsoft logo and search bar. Click on it, add name of shortcut (ex. BBC) and enter URL of the webpage such as Edge automatically uses favicon of a website as icon of shortcut. Here, you can hover over an already added shortcut, click three dots to edit its name it or remove it.

After removing a shortcut quick link in Edge, its placeholder will be replaced by your next most visited website during last 90 days.

You can right-click on any shortcut for more handy and useful quick options such as copying the link or opening the link in new tab or window.

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Irfan Hayat

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