Using Brand Logo as Website Favicon Examples

Using Logo as Website Favicon Examples

Logos of some brands completely consist of graphic icons.

In this case, it is a nice idea to use iconic logo as browser favicon on your website. It will create consistency in branding efforts of your business.

Following websites use their logos as favicon logo for browser tab. (Watch Video).

  • Master Card uses the same favicon logo as browser favicon.

  • Logo and favicon of Reebok brand is a same icon.

  • Adidas uses the single icon as both logo and favicon for their website.

  • Volkswagen website uses exactly same symbol as both logo as well as browser favicon.

  • Similarly, well known brands of Apple, Facebook, Twitter, Verizon and Mercedes Benz use the favicon logo – same symbol for both logo as well as favicon on their respective websites.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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