My Experience with Creating Multiple Temu Affiliate Accounts: Consequences of Switching to a Different Country/Region

Creating multiple accounts on Temu can be a bit tricky, especially if you aim to operate in different countries. Many users wonder if it's possible to have multiple Temu accounts for different regions and how to switch between them. Below, I will explore this topic in depth sharing my personal experinece, answer some frequently asked questions, and provide useful tips for managing your accounts effectively.

Can You Create Multiple Temu Accounts for Different Countries and Switch Them? Should You Switch Temu Country? What Happened When I Switched to a Different Country? I will try to answer all of these questions.

Caution: Please do not follow these instructions unless you have read the entire article, as it may lead to the loss of your Temu account along with its affiliate links, earned commissions, and other crucial data.

Temu Multiple Accounts: My Experience

After reviewing the FAQ section on the Temu website, I decided to create multiple Temu affiliate accounts for different countries.

On my Temu mobile app, I navigated through a specific path as demonstrated. I Tapped on “You,” then Settings, then “Switch accounts” to register a new account. After creating an additional account, I again tapped on “You,” then Settings, and selected “Country & Region” to choose a new country.

On Temu website using my computer, I clicked on my profile picture and selected the "Switch Accounts" option, then created a new account with a different email address.

To confirm the creation of the additional Temu account for another country, I again clicked on my profile picture and chose "Switch Accounts." I noticed that Temu displayed two accounts, but both were registered under the same country. To change the country for the second account, I clicked the button next to the shopping cart in the upper right corner and selected the United States as the new country. After changing the country, Temu prompted me to register for the new account. I was initially delighted to have two Temu accounts for different countries, but my joy was short-lived.

When I clicked on my profile picture again and selected "Switch Accounts" to verify the change, I was disheartened to find that Temu had automatically deleted my first account for Pakistan, leaving only the newly created account for the United States. This was a significant setback, as I had created affiliate links and shared them on social media, which were now lost.

In a state of confusion, I switched the country back to Pakistan, hoping to restore my original account and its data. Temu displayed two accounts once more, but unfortunately, the account created for the United States had reverted back to Pakistan. I switched the country again to the United States, and upon doing so, Temu deleted the other account once more.

From my experience, I have drawn the following conclusions:

  • You can create multiple Temu accounts for the same country.

  • You cannot create multiple Temu accounts for different countries.

  • Changing the country results in the loss of your original account and all associated data, including affiliate links.

  • Therefore, it is advisable to be careful switching countries for an old and active Temu account.

Temu Affiliate Rules for Changing Country

I noticed a discrepancy in the information provided by Temu. While the FAQs explain how to change your country, the rules for the Temu affiliate program state that “Changing your country or region on Temu may cause disqualification from the Program.” Additionally, you must be a legal resident of the country you are joining. Thus, I highly recommend choosing your country with care.

I'm excited to share some positive news! After adding the Temu account by entering the email linked to my original account and then reverting back to my original country, all my affiliate links along with their credit balance have been successfully restored. (The method is same as discussed above).

Here’s a workaround for creating multiple Temu accounts for different countries. If you found this experience helpful, please subscribe to the Dozro channel.

To create two Temu accounts for different countries, use separate devices (preferably with different IP address): one on mobile and another on a computer.

For multiple accounts on one computer, you may try using different browsers.

Update: I have successfully set up two different Temu affiliate accounts on my single computer by utilizing two different browsers. One Temu account operates on the Microsoft Edge browser, while the other affiliate account is accessed through Google Chrome.

On a single mobile device, set up one account via the Temu app and another through a mobile browser like Chrome or Edge.

Disclaimer: I have not attempted the above method but generally they work.

In summary, while creating multiple Temu accounts for different countries may seem appealing, the risks involved, such as losing your original account and its data, can outweigh the benefits. Always exercise caution when switching countries on Temu, especially if you have established affiliate links or accounts.

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Irfan Hayat

As the Founder and CEO of DOZRO and various other ventures, I bring a wealth of diverse life experiences to the forefront. At heart, I am a passionate tech enthusiast. Feel free to explore our range of Pro Services, such as website and graphics design, SEO, and video editing, with confidence.

How to Create Temu Account to Join and Sign Up for Temu Affiliate & Influencer Program and Earn Money


List of Countries for Temu Shipping & Affiliate Program