Microsoft Edge Accessibility Settings Tweaks
Accessibility features enhance ease of use for everyone especially for old persons or people with disabilities.
You can reach the accessibility settings in Edge browser through following navigation path.
Click Three Dots for ‘Settings and More’ (or press Alt+F) in top right corner of Edge browser → Settings → Accessibility.
You can customize your Edge browser according to your own needs. I customize the settings as shown below.
Show a high visibility outline around the area of focus on the page: I turn ON the toggle next to this option. It creates a border around link or text making it more visible and helping locate the relevant item on a webpage. It increases focus.
Page zoom: I keep the zoom level to 100% which is default zoom level in Edge. However, you can change it according to your requirements.
Get image descriptions from Microsoft for screen readers: I keep it OFF to save resources. You can also right-click on an image on any webpage and select ‘Get image descriptions from Microsoft’ and then select ‘Always’ or choose ‘Once’ for using it this time only.
Ask before closing a window with multiple tabs: I toggle it ON.
Show mini menu when selecting text: I turn it ON for quick access to options such as for copying text.
Show downloads menu when a download starts: I turn it ON to know when the download process starts.
Navigate pages with a text cursor: I keep it turned OFF for faster navigation through mouse or down arrow on keyboard. However, if you want to read a webpage with a visible cursor, you can turn it On.
Use F12 key to open the Developer tools: I turn this option ON.
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