Google Chrome: Amazing Zoom Features – You Don’t Know

Learn the amazing zoom features in Chrome browser. → Watch Video Tutorial below.

How to Change Default Zoom Level for All Websites in Google Chrome?

To set or change default zoom levels applicable to all websites, you can access settings below.

Google Chrome Amazing Zoom Features

Navigation Path: Click three dots … on top right corner of screen in Chrome browser → SettingsAppearancePage zoom.

In Android phone, click three dots, Settings, then Accessibility. Here, you can zoom level under ‘Text scaling’ option.

Please note that default page zoom is 100% but you can reduce or increase it. It applies to all websites and tabs.

Utility of Zoom in and Zoom out - Take Screenshot of a Large Page

Zoom-in enlarges the elements of page and zoom out makes a page smaller. Both options are helpful in certain situations.

For example, you want to take screenshot of a large image on a web page (such as AliExpress) through Snip & Sketch tool but the image on the webpage is too large and does not show whole image on your computer screen, then you will use zoom-out option in browser and image will come inside borders of your screenshot (Watch Video Demo below). Sometimes, zoom-out helps us to view a lot of page information without frequently scrolling down.

Similarly, Zoom-in helps us in certain situations. For example, you are filling out a web form but the placeholder or other text or an entry in the form is not easily readable, then you can zoom-in that website in its respective tab. Sometimes, zoom-in option becomes helpful to read text in infographics or some finer detail of an image.

Zoom levels in web browser also help to enhance accessibility of persons with vision problem.

How to Change Zoom Level for a Single Website in Chrome?

You can also temporarily change zoom level for a single website which only applies to that tab. It will not apply to other tabs opened in a window.

To quickly access settings for this tab-specific zoom option, click on the three dots on top right corner of browser window and you will see here the options of zoom which appear with + and – symbols next to current number of zoom level. To increase the zoom level for the specific tab, just click on plus button or click on minus symbol to reduce zoom level.

You can keep opened a single website in that tab, for which you want a specific zoom size.

How to Quickly Zoom-in or Zoom-out a Webpage through Mouse?

You can fast enlarge or reduce the size of text and other elements on a webpage. It means you can easily magnify, expand or maximize any page oof a website.

Press Ctrl key on the keyboard of your computer and scroll forward the mouse-wheel of the mouse, to increase the size of a webpage.

Similarly, press Ctrl key on the keyboard of your computer and scroll backward the mouse-wheel of the mouse, to decrease the size of a webpage.

Zoom feature in Chrome will be automatically activated and current zoom level will also be visible on top of page.

How to Enter or Exit Full Screen Mode in Chrome Browser?

On clicking three dots, you can also see the symbol of square box (with arrows) and if you click it, you will enter in full screen window, which means that bowser toolbar and computer taskbar will be hidden, and you will get even a wider area to view your desired webpage. To disable full screen, you can move mouse toward upward border of screen.

You can also use F11 button on your keyboard to enter or exit full screen mode.

How to Change Zoom Levels for Specific Websites in Chrome Browser?

When you visit a certain website and change zoom level for that website, by clicking three dots in that tab, the Chrome browser saves your preference for that specific website. Next time, when you visit that website, Chrome will display content for that website in your previously set zoom level. If you have opened some pages from that websites, Chrome will also automatically set the same zoom level for all those tabs.

For example, if I zoom-in (say 125%) any webpage on Wikipedia website, Chrome will continue showing me content from Wikipedia in zoom level 125% in future unless I manually reset it.

To see list of websites, for which you have set a specific zoom level, follow below navigation in Chrome browser.

Click three dots … on top right corner of screen in Chrome browser → SettingsPrivacy and securitySite SettingsAdditional content settingsZoom levels.

Here you will see all websites for custom zoom levels. You can click ‘X’ next to a website, to reset the zoom level to default. After you reset, Chrome will show content for that website normally (100% zoom) as it does for all other websites.

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Irfan Hayat

As the Founder and CEO of DOZRO and various other ventures, I bring a wealth of diverse life experiences to the forefront. At heart, I am a passionate tech enthusiast. Feel free to explore our range of Pro Services, such as website and graphics design, SEO, and video editing, with confidence.

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