Google Chrome Memory Saver and Energy Saver Settings
In 2023, Google Chrome introduced great features to boost the performance of the browser - Memory Saver and Energy Saver. → Watch Video Tutorial below.
Settings and Function of Memory Saver and Energy Saver
To access the new performance features in Google Chrome, click three dots on top right corner, then Settings, and then Performance. Here you can turn ON the Memory Saver and Energy Saver. The Energy Saver option will only work for a battery operated device such as laptop when it is unplugged from power supply. Energy Saver feature of Chrome is useful when you want longer time of the device battery, especially during travel.
The performance features work by deactivating or snoozing the tabs when you are not using those websites. It is useful feature when you open many tabs at once, like I do. It also helps to save computer RAM memory, which can be redirected to use for other resource demanding apps such as for some video editing software, gaming, or other active tabs.
However, it does not deactivate tabs in case of these activities in websites. It means Memory Saver do not work in these situations.
Active audio or video (playback or calls)
Screen share
Page notifications
Active downloads
Partially filled forms
Connected devices (USB or Bluetooth)
For example, if you are active on a voice call in WhatsApp web, then Chrome will not deactivate that tab in browser.
Method of Adding Specific Websites to Keep them Always Active
You can add specific websites in Chrome to keep them always active. When you add a specific website, Google Chrome keeps that website always active but not saving the memory resources. It is a bit tricky to add sites. Let me explain it with examples. → Watch Video.
Example No. 1
If you enter, Chrome will keep active all pages of and all its subdomains in the respective tabs. In other words, if you want Chrome to always keep active the sites of Google Analytics, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Meet etc, then just enter in the field. However, Chrome will not save memory for these sites.
Similarly, you can also keep active other websites such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Dozro etc by entering the respective URLs in this format -,,, etc.
Example No. 2
To keep active a specific subdirectory of a website, for example, if you enter, Google Chrome will always keep active the BBC weather page, thus not saving memory for it - but it will snooze the main site of and all other subdirectories – thus saving PC RAM memory and improving performance.
Example No. 3
If you do not want Chrome to save memory when YouTube videos or Facebook videos are opened in tabs, then put asterisk (*) sign next to these URLs of Facebook or YouTube.**
In this case, Google Chrome will keep active all tabs of Facebook videos or YouTube videos.
To keep active only a subdomain, such as YouTube Analytics, enter the URL in this way →
More Resources
Google Chrome Performance and Speed - Quick Tips.
Google Chrome Preload Pages Settings: Should You Turn ON Preload Pages?
Google Chrome Accessibility Features Settings.
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