Google Chrome: Best Keyboard Shortcuts | My Favorite List

Keyboard shortcuts in Google Chrome make it faster to perform certain actions without using mouse options.

Here I have listed my favorite and most useful keyboard shortcuts in Chrome browser. Watch Video Tutorial.

Google Chrome Best Keyboard Shortcuts My Favorite List
  • Ctrl + F: Find and search a term on webpage. You can also click F3 on keyboard.

  • Ctrl + G: Jump to the next match to your Find Bar search

  • Ctrl + Shift + G: Jump to the previous match to your Find Bar search

  • Ctrl + N: Open a new window

  • Ctrl + Enter: Add www. to the beginning and .com to the end of text typed in the address bar

  • Ctrl + Plus (+): Zoom in

  • Ctrl + Minus (-): Zoom out

  • Esc: Stop loading page; close dialog or pop-up.

  • Spacebar: Scroll down webpage, one screen at a time

  • Shift + Spacebar: Scroll up webpage, one screen at a time

  • PgDn: Scroll down webpage, one screen at a time

  • PgUp: Scroll up webpage, one screen at a time

  • Home: Go to the top of the page, Move keyboard focus to first item of pane.

  • End: Go to the bottom of the page, Move keyboard focus to last item of pane.

  • Drag a link to a tab: Open a link in a current tab.

  • Drag the web address to the Bookmarks Bar: Save the current webpage as a bookmark. For this feature, first display Bookmarks Bar under toolbar.

  • Make everything on the page bigger: Ctrl + Scroll your mouse-wheel up

  • Make everything on the page smaller: Ctrl + Scroll your mouse-wheel down

  • Save your current webpage as a bookmark: Ctrl + D

You can check Google support article to explore all available Chrome keyboard shortcuts for Windows, Linux, and Mac, in Chrome browser.

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Irfan Hayat

Founder and CEO @ DOZRO and some other businesses. I have versatile experiences in life. I am inherently a tech lover and practically a businessperson.

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