Google Chrome Font Size Settings - Change Default Font

Method to Change Standard Font Size in Chrome

Navigation Path: Click three dots … on top right corner of screen in Chrome browser → SettingsAppearance.

You can change the size of font in Chrome browser from the options in drop-down menu. Medium font size is recommended but you can also use other sizes such as small or large. You can also change here, default zoom level of webpages which is 100 by default.

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For precise control on font size, you can select ‘Customize fonts’ option. There you will be able to set standard font size for all websites in Chrome. You can set from 9px to 72 pixels font size. Please keep it at 16px which is standard font size on the web and it is in fact ‘medium’ option, you selected on previous page in settings. If you had selected ‘Small’ option on Appearance page, then here (on Customize Fonts page), it would have been 12 pixels.

So, what should be the minimum font size set in Chrome?

You can set the minimum font size you allow on Chrome for all websites. You can set it to zero, but I prefer to set it at 6 pixels.

Browser will display webpages in your preferred font size. You can test the change in font size on any page of Wikipedia such as this page →

Please keep in mind that this font or font size change does not work on all websites as some websites prefer to display content in their own primary fonts.

How to Change Default Font in Chrome Browser?

By default, Times New Roman is set as Serif font and Arial as sans-serif font in Windows computer. However, you can select some different font from the selection.

These are in fact standard system fonts to display content for websites which prefer to use installed fonts. These fonts are used when browser cannot download the primary font of a website, due to any reason, such as slow network.

Just click on ‘Customize font’ and select some different font option. Selection of any other system font will not affect the rendering speed of websites. The numbers such as 16 show the pixel size of the font and it is changeable through the horizontal bars above.

Should You Allow Websites to Use Installed Fonts on the Device?

Yes. To boost your browsing experience and to speed up loading of webpages, you should allow to use installed fonts in your computer.

Google Chrome Font Size Settings

Most websites prefer to use their own assigned fonts and load the fonts from remote server when you open that website. However, some sites can prefer to use fonts installed in the user device.

To customize the settings, follow below navigation in Chrome browser.

Click three dots … on top right corner of screen in Chrome browser → SettingsPrivacy and SecuritySite SettingsAdditional permissionsFonts.

Under default behavior, select the radio button before ‘Sites can ask to use fonts installed on your device’ option.

If you selected ‘Don't allow sites to use fonts installed on your device’ option, then the webpages will still display but the web browser will download the fonts from the server of that website to display content.

On the same page, you can also allow or disallow certain websites to use installed fonts.

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Irfan Hayat

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