Change Size of Squarespace Paragraph, Heading and Button Text

Select Edit on top of preview page and then click ‘Paint Brush’ icon on the top right side in Squarespace to open Site Styles, and select Fonts.

On Fonts panel, under Global Text Styles, select Paragraphs to open its panel. On Paragraphs panel, you see three options for paragraphs. These three options are Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, Paragraph 3.

Watch Video Below.

Which Text Type Assigned to Paragraph 1, Paragraph 2, Paragraph 3?

In built-in settings of any Squarespace template, each paragraph type, is assigned to some form of text.

In default settings of your selected template:

  • Paragraph 1 is generally assigned to text in navigation menu, quotes etc.

  • Paragraph 2 to most (main) text on pages a swell as other areas such as title text of blocks.

  • Paragraph 3 is assigned to description text, captions, placeholder text in forms as well as other small texts.

Method to Change Size of Squarespace Paragraph, Heading and Button Text

Please note that button font size in image blocks of all Squarespace 7.1 sites follows paragraph 2.

You can change these built-in settings. For example, if you want to apply Paragraph 2 to text in navigation menu, just open Fonts, then click over navigation menu. Now inside Site Navigation panel, on the right side, select Paragraph 2 (or any other option) from the drop-down options, next to size.

Change Global Size Value of Any Paragraph Type

In built-in template settings, each paragraph type has different size value (rem), for differentiation and prominence of text, respective to that paragraph type. You can increase or decrease font size of a paragraph type, through slider or click over value, next to paragraph type and manually enter the required value. Any change will apply over all text on website, wherever that paragraph type is assigned.

Watch Videofor demo.

Customize Size of Heading Text & Button Text

Under Global Text Styles, when you select Headings, you see four types of headings and when you select buttons, you get three sizes of buttons. You can change and adjust text size for each type of heading and buttons. Especially, after application of some new font, you should review and customize ‘Size’ tweaks for headings and buttons.

Please follow same method and rules as we discussed earlier for customizing text size of paragraphs.

Please remember that you should learn proper use of various headings (h1, h2, h3, h4) for better optimization for search engines. You can learn more in another article by Dozro.

Pro Tip: Please note that in title of blog post, by default, Squarespace uses Heading 1.

More Resources

These resources might help you learn more.

Irfan Hayat

As the Founder and CEO of DOZRO and various other ventures, I bring a wealth of diverse life experiences to the forefront. At heart, I am a passionate tech enthusiast. Feel free to explore our range of Pro Services, such as website and graphics design, SEO, and video editing, with confidence.

Global Text Styles in Squarespace – Method to Apply a Different Font to a Specific Text


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