Using Filmora video editor to Design a Facebook Cover Photo

Are you looking to create a visually appealing and professional Facebook cover photo that displays perfectly on both mobile and desktop screens? In this article, I will guide you through the process of designing a responsive Facebook page cover using Filmora video editor.

→ Watch Video Tutorial below.

Easy Steps for Designing a Facebook Cover Photo

To create a Facebook Cover Photo, begin by launching Wondershare Filmora in a your computer. Choose the 16:9 aspect ratio for a new project because this ratio is recommended by Facebook for cover photos.

Download Template Photo for Proper Sizing

Before moving forward, please open this page on the Dozro website.

On that page, the yellow area in the template photo represents the safe zone for a Facebook cover, ensuring visibility on all devices. However, the round area is not safe as it will be hidden by the profile picture on mobile phone.

Right-click and download the template photo which will help us to create Facebook cover photo in perfect size.

Creating a Facebook Cover Photo Using the Filmora Video Editor

Select Recommended Dimensions for Facebook’s Background Banner in Filmora

Return to Filmora dashboard.

To create a custom Facebook cover in Filmora, click File, then select Project Settings. Enter 1640 pixels in the width field and 924 pixels in the height field because this is the best resolution size for a Facebook banner as recommended by Dozro.

Frame rate can be any because while designing a photo, frame rate value is not needed.

Design Custom Cover/Banner for Facebook Page with Filmora

To design a Facebook cover, you can import graphics from computer or download them from the Filmora stocks library.

You can apply your preferred text, and other visuals on your Facebook cover design. For example, you can select “stock media” and search for a gradient background for your Facebook cover. Download the background image and bring it onto the Filmora timeline to apply it for your FB cover design.

You can add a text box in Filmora to write your brand name on the FB cover either in plain text or in 3D text. You can also use the new feature in Filmora for converting the text into a beautiful, curved shape. You can adjust the curve strength of the text.

Check out our detailed guide on using Filmora, thorough our tutorial videos on Dozro's YouTube channel for Filmora.

Watch the below video for step by step guide on designing Facebook cover in Wondershare Filmora.

Create a Facebook Page Banner in Filmora

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👉️ Dozro Services: Check Price for Creation of Facebook Cover, Brand Logo, Clickable Business Card, and Small Business Website.

👉️ Read Wondershare Filmora Comprehensive Review by Dozro.

Method for Making the Facebook Cover Photo Responsive on All Devices

Let’s create a responsive Facebook banner for mobile and desktop screens in Filmora.

For this, access the template photo that you downloaded from the Dozro site on your computer. Import the template photo from file explorer to Filmora. Once imported, drag the template photo onto the Filmora timeline. It will hidden your own FB cover design in the Filmora Viewer panel.

To address this issue, create an empty track just above the background image and then insert the template photo there.

Facebook Cover Photo Size Aspect Ratio Safe Area Dimensions for Mobile and Desktop

Facebook Banner Size

The black area in the template photo is the unsafe zone. It means that although it will appear completely on Facebook mobile, but it will be cropped on Facebook desktop. So, you should move the important elements within the safe zone (yellow colored) for all devices.

On the black space at the top and bottom, you can write any less important text. For example, you can write a “welcome text” or “Like our FB page for updates” at these unsafe spaces.

Congratulations. You have created a cover image for your Facebook page in perfect size for all devices.

Important Step: Now click over the template photo in Filmora timeline and delete it because it has done its job. After deletion of the template photo, your own design will be visible.

Download the Facebook Cover from Filmora

It's time to save your Facebook banner. Simply click the Camera symbol which is located below the Viewer panel. Save the Facebook cover in either JPG or PNG format. You can also set the Save location.

Upload the Cover photo on Facebook Page

Open your Facebook page and upload the cover photo. You do not need to reposition the cover because it will fit well in the designated container.

Your created Facebook Cover will display in full width and height on mobile screens - nothing will be obscured. However, on computer, little portions of the upper and bottom sides will be cropped out.

Your Facebook page profile picture also hides some portion of the cover when seen on mobile devices. It is not any fault in your design of the cover photo. It occurs due to the default containers for Facebook Cover which are different for mobile and desktop devices.

More Resources

Check these helpful resources.

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Irfan Hayat

As the Founder and CEO of DOZRO and various other ventures, I bring a wealth of diverse life experiences to the forefront. At heart, I am a passionate tech enthusiast. Feel free to explore our range of Pro Services, such as website and graphics design, SEO, and video editing, with confidence.

How to design a YouTube banner photo in Filmora video editor | Filmora Photo Editing Tricks


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