Facebook page cover design for online store selling products
Are you looking for inspirational idea for designing Facebook cover page image for online ecommerce store?
You are at the right place. See this awesome fb cover design.
FB page cover photo design concept created by Dozro.
Multiple products photos are shown on the Facebook banner image. Website address is also prominently displayed so that visitors can notice it and open your website in browser.
Important design elements (such as product images, product range of online store, and business contact info) are positioned on the center-right portion of the Facebook banner. Because it is the safest zone of FB cover photo which is visible on both mobile and desktop. In this FB cover photo, the reminder graphics to ‘Like and Follow’ the page are also displayed on bottom right corner.
Do you want to create a custom FB cover photo for your ecommerce brand page on Facebook?
Please Email us. We will design a responsive (which fits well on all devices), beautiful, vibrant, and professional looking cover photo for background of your Facebook business page.
Check our creative Designs including business ad designs, YouTube banner design ideas, and of course more FB cover photo designs.
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