Split a Video Clip into Equal Parts in Adobe Premiere Pro
In this quick tutorial guide, you will learn to split a clip into half, evenly split clip in two and multiple parts of same length and equal time duration.
Split Clip in Two Equal Parts
For example, I want to evenly divide a video clip into two clips of equal duration. For that, I need the exact total duration of the clip, which I can check in three ways.
→ Watch Video Tutorial Below.
Methods to See Duration Length of a Video
Bring playhead at the end of clip and time indicator shows that the duration of clip is 1 second and 24 frames, in this example clip.
Alternatively, hover the mouse cursor over clip, the clip duration displays over it.
As third method, right-click the clip, select Speed and Duration and the dialog box shows the clip duration. Here, the duration of this clip will be same 1 second and 24 frames. Click cancel.
Convert Time Duration in Seconds to Frames of Video
Right click on the time indicator, which shows that it is a 30-fps timecode which means that 1 second is equal to 30 frames.
As the duration of this clip is 1 second and 24 frames, which means 30 frames + 24 frames. So, the total frames of this clip are 54.
Watch video: methods to split premiere pro clips into several equal parts.
Show Frames in Timeline to See Clip Duration in Frames
Here is another quick method of calculating frames of the clip. Right click on the Current-Time Indicator and temporarily select Frames option. Now hover over the clip and it shows the same 54 total frames - which is same as 1 second and 24 frames.
Split Clip in Half
So, if you want to split the clip in two exactly equal parts, then divide 54 by 2, which is 27 frames.
Therefore, bring the mouse cursor over time indicator and drag it left or right and then release it when it shows 27 frames. It means that playhead is now positioned on exact half of the clip.
Now press Ctrl + K to split the clip at this exactly half point. We have precisely cut the clip into two equal parts. You can move the divided clip and do what you want to do with it.
Split Video Clip in Three Equal Parts
Here is another scenario. Suppose I want to divide this clip of 54 frames into 3 equal parts. It means each part will be of 18 frames - 54/3. So, I will click on the Current-Time Indicator, and write 18 and then press Enter. Playhead will instantly position itself on exact 18 frames. I will press Ctrl + K to split it. Now again I will repeat the process but this time I will enter 36 frames (18+18 frames) in the time indicator. Playhead will move to the next 18 frames.
So, I have successfully divided the clip into three equal parts.
Split Lengthy Clip in Multiple Equal Parts
Here is yet another scenario of a lengthy clip with duration of 14 seconds and 24 frames, in this example. Suppose I want to split it in 10 equal parts. I will right-click on the Current-Time Indicator and change the time format to Frames. So, 14 seconds and 24 frames are equal to 444 total frames as shown in time indicator. To split it in 10 equal parts, divide 444 by 10 which is 44.4 frames. Because 444 is not divisible in full frames, therefore, I will right click on the clip, select Speed and Duration and enter the nearest number of frames - 440 frames - which should be divisible by 10 - it will slightly and unnoticeably reduce the clip duration. Click OK. So, if I divide 440 by 10 then each clip will consist of 44 full frames.
So, I will click on the Current-Time Indicator, and write 44 and then press Enter. Split the clip by pressing Ctrl + k. Repeat the process by entering 88 frames, then 132 frames, and so on.
So, I have evenly split the clip into 10 equal multiple parts.
More Resources
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Blur out a face moving behind another person without blurring the face on front.
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